Meet Ken
My journey for passion began in earnest when I was 7 years old. Prior to that I often thought about what I wanted to be or do when I grew up. Being a bus driver seemed really appealing. Then one day I saw it! I had just seen a Air Force Staff Sergeant strip and was awestruck. I knew then that I wanted it. My first passion recognizable passion has been born.
In the few years before I was to graduate from school I still asked the question, “What do I want to do and what is my passion?” Eventually the answer was the Air Force. Fast forward to 24 years later when I’ve retired from the military. As the important date approaches I’m again puzzled with what I want to do. I’m a person who rarely gets excited about much and has passion for little outside of baseball and jazz. The question would persist for the next 6 years while I worked long hours and many days performing management duties. I was completely miserable but trapped because I didn’t know what my passions where besides baseball and jazz, and frankly I had no idea where to start. I was trapped in my own misery. Then things got worse. Now I was jobless without an idea of what I wanted to do. I still lacked a basic understanding of what passion was or even what direction I wanted to go in my life. Fast forward again, this time it’s 14 months later and I’m in Calgary, Canada at a motivation seminar.
There I have the please of getting to see Chris and Janet Attwod present The Passion Test. Being one not easily moved I still later approach Janet to ask what’s the key to finding my passion. Janet offers that one of the best ways to find passion is to speak about and teach others about passion. She invited me to think about being a Passion Test Facilitator. Truth be told, her suggestion fell on deft ears. Another year passes and the Passion Test Certification Program is being held in a few days in the San Francisco Bay Area. I don’t want to go, period! That same week we get word that the company I work for will start laying off employees again. Having already survived the first round I’m worried. Reluctantly I decide to attend the training because I had already paid. The training is conducted by Janet Attwood and her qualified staff. By the second day I’m starting to think I like what I’m hearing and perhaps there is value here. Even so on the final day Janet has to convince me that she thinks I’m a good fit with Passion Test. All-in-all, the training, the people, and the weekend were wonderful. The next day I get a call from an associate who wants to discuss a potential business deal. He offers me a chance to partner in with him in a business helping those seeking a new start, a new job. At that point I realize that many people looking for a new job are probably in need of a Passion Test. I had just learned that 80% of adult working American’s were unhappy doing what they do the majority of their time. I thought to myself that this is what my calling is meant to be and the venue to perform this has been delivered.
If your experience has been similar to mine or you are having a hard time finding yourself then the Passion Test will help you discover your passions quickly. Taking The Passion Test guarantees that you will have a readily available process to re-evaluate what your passions are anytime you’d like. This can be done as often as needed, daily if you desire until your passions and intentions are crystal clear to you. I understand where you are and would like to work with you help you be on the road to complete happiness. Give me a call at 510-843-0898 or send an email to today. Don’t hesitate, being committed is one of the keys in finding your passions.